The Channel Islands boast some incredible scenery, with an amazing amount of variety in a relatively small area. Both Jersey and Guernsey feature unspoilt areas of countryside, coastal scenery and sea views which will take your breath away, all accessible with a gentle stroll, a longer ramble or a more energetic hike. It’s been widely reported that spending time in the outdoors among nature is good for both physical and mental health, and the Channel Islands are the perfect location to relax and unwind.
Both Guernsey and Jersey have plenty of recommended walking routes which you can explore following a map or even an audio guide. In addition to those there are also organised walking tours such as the Jersey Seymour Tower Seabed Walk where you can explore the exposed seabed at low tide and find out about local marine life and history. Both Jersey and Guernsey offer a variety of guided walks and Guernsey even hosts a walking festival in the spring.

Jersey National Park covers around 30 miles of Jersey’s coastline and its largest area on the west coast at St Ouen’s Bay is a must see for any nature lover, the sand dunes of Les Blanches Banques are one of many highlights, not too far from the iconic Corbiere Lighthouse. National Trust Jersey also maintains some wonderful countryside locations, for example the lovely St Lawrence Valley, known as ‘Waterworks Valley’ after the many mills that were once powered by the stream flowing through the valley. In Guernsey, La Société Guernesiaise looks after many nature reserves, such as the Silbe Nature Reserve hidden away in a quiet valley to the south west of the island. The highlight of any walking holiday in Guernsey though is the Jerbourg Peninsula at the south east tip of the island, where the cliff paths offer amazing views over the neighbouring islands and the French coast.

Both islands are large enough to encompass an enormous variety of landscapes, plant life, trees, flowers, birds and other wildlife, but small enough for it all to be easily accessible. The famously sunny weather of the Channel Islands makes it all the more enjoyable to spend time outdoors, but even in the winter months there are few places more beautiful.